Thank you for using our “WorldClock” app.
We would like to explain how this app calculates time differences.
Basically, we don’t have any time difference data in our app.
We have been inquiring about time differences of each city on iOS.
Therefore, “WorldClock” shows you the time of iOS.
Unfortunately, there are some cases in which our app shows you the wrong time because sometimes, iOS doesn’t update their time differences when some cities change their time zones.
We apologize about this and we would really appreciate your understanding on this matter.
If the time is wrong in our app, it is either because of a bug or iOS’s mistake.
Could you please check your “Clock” app on your iPhone?
If the time in one city is the same with the time in our “WorldClock”, it means that our app is running normally.
If you notice that there are some differences between the time in our app and iOS’s “Clock” app, please report the matter to us.
→Randy Apps Contact page
The above explanation is about the way time differences in “WorldClock” are calculated.
We hope you enjoy our wonderful app.
Thank you.